28 January, 2009

Applications Latest YouTube

YouTube plans to bring the latest applications, the application "Upload". Because this site YouTube, want to spoil all fans.

YouTube allows users to download YouTube videos directly from it. Upload this present application in H.264 format, or with the same format used at YouTube compatible with the iPhone, but this new application can be felt by only a few videos, including some video speech on United States President, Barack Obama while campaigning.

Features of the application Upload that YouTube is the same as the Google Video service that was published a few days ago, such as video clips in H.264 optimal formatan called for in the iPod and PSP. But Google's Google Video service halt on the lapse of two days ago.

Another benefit of the Upload application, services with H.264 format can be played offline and this allows a more effective communication, because it provides an alternative way to share your videos offline. In addition there is excess, there is also lack of application that is, not the YouTube feature for all accounts, because users only see the option of video-download video and most popular course, such as video Obama.

Moderate but even though its many benefits. How this service according to your YouTube?
only quiet moment this application you can try and you enjoy.

- Quoted from Softpedia -


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